My Father and my Maker, fill everyone with your Spirit, Reveal your Word and counsel to them, and meet them all at every points of all their needs in the mighty and awesome name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we Pray. Amen

Lord Manifest your Great Glory in my life this seasons by breaking through every Forms, plots and plaques of darkness in every area in Jesus mighty name
My Father and my Maker, give me strategic destiny victories and override all failure, defeat, weakness, exhaustion, sickness, disease, losses and devastations, and setbacks in every areas of my life and family this season in Jesus mighty name
Give me Lord a mighty turnaround of Grace and Glory, Liftings and Elevation, let good news indeed come for me even now in Jesus mighty name.
My Heavenly Father give me supernatural recovery and rest from all demonic storms and assignments as I rebuke them all in Jesus mighty name in this season
Let me now Favor, Glory and Mercy push me forward in this season, in revelations and insights for the next level of my life and destiny in Jesus mighty name
My Father and my Maker, give me rest and refreshing in all areas of need for greater accomplishments this season of the Year for me and my Family in Jesus mighty name.
My Heavenly Father let this my Destiny Season of Greatest Breakthroughs, Testimonies, Signs, Wonders of the God kind in Jesus mighty and awesome name
Thank you Lord for preserving me and my Family into a new Season. My Father Preserve and keep us all in you, spiritually, physically, family, financially and Protect us all from evil and danger and the wicked one in all our coming and going this month and season in Jesus mighty name.
Thank You Father for our Greatest Season of Fruitfulness in your Glory, is at hand in Jesus mighty name. Amen
We decree and we declare that in this new season we shall not die but live to declare the wonderful works of the Lord with signs, wonders, miracles, breakthroughs, testimonies and mighty acts of deliverance, safety, preservation and the Lord's Jubilee in Jesus mighty name